Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gelatin in Halal Food Production

Gelatin is useful for many products such as in foods (jellies, dairy, confectionary, etc), pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, medicinal, dietetic, and therapeutic uses. Gelatin is recovered from collagen in any parts of animal/vertebrates by hydrolysis. There are two types of gelatin: Type A and Type B. Type A gelatin is exclusively made from pork skins, and is hence haram for Muslims to consume. Type B gelatin is made either from cattle and calf skins or demineralized cattle bones. Cattle and calf skins used in gelatin manufacture are usually from animals slaughtered by non-Muslims. Whether this type of gelatin is permitted or prohibited for Muslims is still controversial. Fish skin gelatin is halal as long as it is free from contamination from other sources.


The most important issue in manufacturing halal gelatin is obtaining the proper raw materials. Plants that produces gelatin from pigskin should not be considered for halal production because it can’t be used or forbidden.

HCP1: Raw materials
All sources, hides, and bone chips should be accepted and monitored constantly. Gelatin plants usually receive pieces of hide and bone chips. They must hold controls at their supplier to make sure raw materials are properly segregated.

HCP2: Degreasing of fresh bones
This step is commonly carried out in the rendering plants, but halal gelatin producers have to make sure that they suppliers have proper controls while degreasing the halal bone in order to minimize cross-contamination from non-halal sources.

HCP3: Acid Treatment
This step takes place in vats or pits. It is best if vats are dedicated for halal bones.

HCP4: Lime Treatment
A similar setup may be used for lime treatment. Again, it is advisable to use dedicated setup.

HCP5: Extraction, Evaporation, Extrusion, and Drying
These steps are generally carried out in tandem and continuously. The system and equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and the cleaning documented before starting a halal run.

HCP6: Milling and Blending
Gelatin is always ground to meet granulation specification and gelatins of different bloom strengths are blended together to get the desired gel strength. The mills and blenders including all charging, discharging, and conveying equipment should be properly cleaned to rid the equipment of any non-halal materials that were previously handled on the equipment.

HC7: Packaging and Labeling
Finally, halal gelatin must be packed in clean containers and labeled properly with halal markings to avoid any mix-up with non-halal gelatin.

Digested from:
Riaz, MN and Chaudry MM. Halal Food Production. CRC Press. New York
Sakr, A. H. 1999. Gelatin. Foundation for Islamic Knowledge (Lombard, IL) and Islamic Food and NutritionCouncil of America (Chicago, IL), pp. 13-28
Winarno, F.G. 1994. Kimia Pangan. Gramedia. Jakarta


  1. Keep struggle..^_^...V

  2. Is it true that gelatin can be recovered from collagen in ANY parts of animal/vertebrates by hydrolysis? I am not cleat about this.

    - Herman Swan

  3. Yeapz. gelatin is produced from partial hydrolysis of collagen. Water will attack amino binding in collagen and generate gelatin

  4. update update :-)

  5. Gelatin is a natural protein that is derived from the partial hydrolysis of collagen, which exists in the skin and bones of animals. Gelatin is intended for human consumption and mainly used as a gelling agent, a clarifying agent (drink), binding agent for light sensitive silver holides and a thickening agent as well. Commercially available Gelatin is a natural foodstuff and chemically, Gelatin is a pure protein.

    Gelatin Halal


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